Back on the Market

Vintage Christmas Markets + haul

Hi friends,

After my last post, How to Get Over Your Breakup in 5 Easy Outfits, I felt like the next step was to get back on the market…. the Christmas market I mean. (am I the only one who thinks that’s hysterical??)

I LOVE Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year and yes I’ve already started listening to Christmas music even though I’m well aware Thanksgiving is still a week away.

Not to say I don’t love Thanksgiving (and am attempting a thanksgiving-themed post) but Christmas makes me happy so I’ve already been doing lots of fun, holiday-themed things. From starting to decorate to having a Friendsgiving to watching Christmas movies, the holiday season is in full swing!

One thing I got to do which I had never done before was go to a couple Christmas markets! They were insanely fun and it’s definitely a new holiday tradition for me. I didn’t take a ton of photos but hopefully the few I have will suffice.

This is my friend Dani! She and I both watch XOMacenna on Youtube who has the most amazing videos about home decor, styling, and renovations and her aesthetic is just *chefs kiss*

She was definitely the vibe we were going for in terms of home decor.

  1. Vintage Market Days of Colorado

Dani invited me to the Vintage Market Days of Colorado and it was so much fun! This was definitely my favorite event of the three I went to. There were food samples, live music, and tons of decorations which made me feel extra festive.

As an added bonus, the first 25 people in line for the market got coupons and gift cards to use there. So you know us thrifty gals we’re gonna go early to get it. We got our Starbucks and drove to Greeley an hour before the market opened to get our space. I was ready to throw some elbows to get our spot in line but we were number 13 and 14 and the crowd was very nice and docile so I didn’t even get to use my soccer-hip-checking moves :(

It was absolutely worth standing the cold though because we got some great coupons and gift cards that paid for these cutie little brass swans I’ve always wanted and definitely don’t need.

There were three rows of stalls with everything from wreaths, ornaments, old books and cameras, restored furniture and homemade items. It was so much fun and I’m so glad we got to have the first pick of everything. I walked away with a few items I found great deals for and I think we should all be really proud I didn’t break the bank because I love STUFF.

Old House Vintage Market

That same day, my parents and I headed over to the Old House Vintage Market which was really similar to the first one but was slightly more boutique-y. I didn’t really find as much there but it was so much fun to look around and the things I found I’m really happy with!

This one was a little smaller than the first but there was still so much to look at and I love going shopping with my mom (we’re a powerhouse) so I loved looking at all the Christmas stuff together. My mom is also a Christmas lover and we always have the best time decorating and being festive together every year.

Flea Markets + Antique Shopping

I quite literally do not know how I’ve lived in Colorado my whole life and not gone to the market strip in Fort Collins?! They have 5 or 6 straight up warehouses of vendors that are open year round to show their goodies and it’s FANTASTIC. I spent like 4 hours before work going into each one and looking around. I was specifically looking for brass candleholders and I found a bunch which makes me unreasonably happy!

This one was really fun but simultaneously the most difficult in terms of sheer volume of places and things and I was alone shopping here so there was no one to say “Hannah, put that back you do not need a 5 foot tall giraffe” - like we don’t need that kind of negativity in our lives thank you very much.

Shopping Haul!

Normally, I don’t do hauls but this one was just too good to resist. Everything was purchased secondhand and is vintage or antique (except for the ornaments) which is extra awesome because it’s great to reuse and be sustainable in all aspects of life, not just your wardrobe.

Vintage Christmas Market

  • Brass swans

  • Old books (the oldest from 1876)!!!

  • 1900s postcards

  • Decorative silverware

Old House Vintage Market

  • Snowman ornament

  • Brass reindeer

Flea Markets

  • Brass candleholders

This one is a bit of a short one but I hope you enjoyed coming shopping with me and if I don’t have another post by then, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Catch up on my other posts here!


It’s beginning to look a lot like Friendsmas + a gift guide


How to get over your breakup in 5 easy outfits