Tani Clan Craziness

One sister’s visit, another’s baby, a grandma’s love, and an unprepared aunt.


Sounds like the start of a bad joke doesn’t it? Well friends, joke’s on me because it’s actually a completely accurate description of how life is going currently.

My sister, Sarah, recently visited from Seattle! (okay it was like three weeks ago I just suck at updating) During that time we did some fun activities but the biggest was waiting for my nephew to be born.

It was a very fun visit and we were lucky enough to be together when we heard the news that we had a new addition to our family! Life is as crazy as ever but I wanted to show a little peak into our Tani Clan.

A Li’l Bitty O'l Baby


One of the first photos we have of Jesse! Born May 20, 2021.

The most exciting part of the week was waiting for Krista and Shane’s baby to be born!

Krista is my eldest sister and lives in southeast Asia with her husband Shane. Due to Covid, my mom wasn’t able to be there for the birth. It was really difficult for her, as well as the rest of us, but I’m so glad Sarah was able to be there so we were together awaiting the news half a world away. Shane kept us updated about Krista’s progress and a mere THIRTY hours later, and Jesse was born!

Now if you know me, you know I don’t really like babies but actually isn’t little Jesse the cutest?! I always thought newborns looked like aliens but he looks decidedly un-alien like. He’s about three weeks old now so here’s a few photos we have of him because… well I mean just look at that face.

Officially an Unprepared Aunt


So I… am now… an aunt? What does this mean? I literally do not know. I am wildly unprepared for the role but I figure I’ll be the fashionable, yet slightly crazy, cat lady that inspires both awe and fear into my nephew. I’m not really sure what my job description is but so far I’ve been cooing over video chats and been buying him Harry Potter onesies, does this seem correct?

You know, you know, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take some photos while the blossoms were still on the trees! This was the time I spent a lot of the week taking pics for my spring lookbook so I tried to look cute everywhere we went! Also look at my beautiful mother!

You know, you know, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take some photos while the blossoms were still on the trees! This was the time I spent a lot of the week taking pics for my spring lookbook so I tried to look cute everywhere we went! Also look at my beautiful mother!

A Second Aunt and a Loving Grandma


Even though I technically gave her grand-cats years ago, my beautiful mother has now officially been promoted to Grandma! She’s ecstatic and going to be the best possible G-ma Jesse could ever have. And Sarah is much more versed with children than me. She’s very good with them so I think she’s gonna be the cool aunt. Sigh. Can’t relate.

Old Town Shenanigans

Okay not going to lie, I made my family take a lot of pictures of me in old town for the ~aesthetic~ and no regrets. We had about an hour to kill on while waiting for brunch so we walked around to a few of our favorite haunts in Old Town.

There’s so much to do from cool brewery tours, old bookshops, retro candy shops, boutiques galore, and, my personal favorite, tons of restaurants. It’s always so fun to walk around and window shop and this time was no different.

We stopped by Perennial Gardener which is a wonderful space packed full of trinkets from sweet little gnomes and ornate soaps to local jewelry and flowers.

We also went to our favorite candy/toy shop called Rocket Fizz and got root beer and a bag of fill-it-yourself candy and my personal favorite, sesame candies which, if you’ve never tried, I highly recommend.

Brunch Babes


We spent a wonderful breakfast with some of my beautiful friends to celebrate my friend Taylor’s very belated birthday back in April. We had lots of delicious food, fun conversation, and some lovely gifts to celebrate this amazing human.

One Stop Shop


Of course we had to make a stop at Clothes Mentor!

Thrift shopping is much cheaper here than in Seattle so it’s always good for Sarah to stock up when she comes. She had brought some stuff to sell - chose store credit which gives you 25% more - and it was almost just like swapping old items out for new!

She even got a fun disco outfit for a bachelorette party she’s going to! We always make a stop to CM whenever she visits and I pull a bunch of stuff for her to try on. She has the inside scoop with me working there so it’s a fun excursion we do every time any of my sisters visit.

Jellin’ with UJAM


What is UJAM you might ask? Well, it’s not a ‘what’ but a ‘who’. UJAM is my Uncle John and Aunt Mary! Myself, Sarah, and my brother, Josh, had a wonderful lunch at Olive Garden together and I gorged myself on five cheese ziti and breadsticks.

Although can I share something traumatizing? Olive Garden no longer has their Lemon Cream Cake dessert and honestly how dare they not take my personal preferences into account before chaining their menu?!

Acai what you did there

Have you noticed how much of this visit revolves around food? Yeah, me too. But that’s what we do as Tani’s and it’s fantastic. On Sarah’s last day we went to Rush Bowl which is an over-priced, yet delicious, smoothie and açaí-bowl place and I give it 3/5 stars but it was a fun outing and a beautiful day. But a full star is for their color-changing spoons?? Like what? Amazing.

That’s all I have for you today! I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our somewhat chaotic life! I hope to be more consistent in uploading posts from now on but, let’s be honest, that’s not really my strong suit.

Catch up on my other posts here! Until next time.


Travel Diaries: Florida


Dressed in Blooms