A Birthday Blog

Happy Birthday to me! (and my blog)

January marks a special occasion (and no it’s not just the fact that I had my birthday).

It has officially been one year since I started this blog!

I’ve had so much fun writing, taking photos, and pushing my creative boundaries in the past year. I’m also V proud of myself for sticking with this. So, in honor of the birth of my blog, here’s a little recap from the year + a few goals I have for the next.

Look at the difference between li’l ole baby me at 25 and now the wisened, completely different me at 26.

Okay there’s actually really no difference but I feel kinda different. It’s been a BIG year has it not?

I spent the day eating brunch at my favorite restaurant (I had tacos, pancakes, AND french toast), relaxed with loved ones, and then had a games night get together with my wonderful family and friends. It was an awesome birthday and it seems a travesty I can’t be celebrated every day.

I know a lot happened in the world, but I’ll admit 25 has been my favorite year yet. There have been so many changes and I’m so happy with where I’m at which is a far cry from where I was this time last year when I was going through my quarter life crisis.

This year brought me a blog, 6 trips around the world, a nephew who is maybe the most adorable bb ever, my first (and best) relationship, and some pretty cool outfits if I do say so myself.

Highlights: Love

25 brought me the most unexpected of gifts: love. Ugh so cheesy I know. But I can’t help it, he’s so cute!

The last thing I expected to get this past year was a boyfriend. Dating, romance, boys just weren’t even on my radar. I didn’t want them to be. I was very happy as an old spinster with 4 cats and 30 pairs of shoes. I’d had 24.5 years of enjoying the single life and had no plans to give it up anytime soon. Until BAM, in walked Jarret (Jarrebear, Jarryberry, bb, and baba).

He is my first boyfriend, was my first heartbreak, and now he’s my first (and only) love. I am completely obsessed with him and how can I not be?! Look at that adorable face.

It’s a crazy story on how we met but basically our lives ran parallel to each other in so many ways - we were born in the same hospital a month apart, went to the same high school, had a class together, went to the same community college, went to the same 4 year college, and even went to the same wedding but for different people!

Our lives never truly intersected in all that time until this past year when he saw a photo of me on a dating site… only it wasn’t my account it was my friends. He recognized me, thought I was cute of course, and wished it was my account instead. So like the adorable creep he is, he found me online and had a friend reach out asking if I’d like his number.

Now normally in every single situation I would just ignore the message because of stranger danger but on a weird whim I decided to respond. And I am so glad I did. I got his number, we met up for smoothies while I insisted to my friends and family “It is NOT a date and I’ll be home in 2 hours”. Well… 8 hours later and I’d had the best non-first date ever. The second he walked in my first thought was, “oh my gosh he’s so cute - and tall!”.

The rest is history and besides a month where we broke up due to reasons that were unrelated to our relationship, we found our way back to each other and he is without a doubt, 100% my person. I wasn’t looking for anyone but he found me and I’ve never been happier.

Highlights: Travel

I was so very very lucky to travel as much as I did last year. I went on 6 trips in 12 months and each one has a special place in my heart.

  1. Yosemite, California

  2. Orlando, Florida

  3. Iceland

  4. Costa Rica

  5. New York City, New York

  6. Orlando, Florida (post coming soon)

From seeing the Firefalls in Yosemite, to doing spells at Universal Studios, to exploring the jungle (both real and urban jungle), this year was packed full of adventure and new experiences.

Each one was amazing in its own right and every new place I visit feeds my soul.

Now, while I went to some pretty spectacular places, I have to admit that Iceland was my favorite. I had THE BEST time with my mom, exploring Iceland, hiking glaciers, volcanoes, and waterfalls, riding Icelandic ponies, and even snorkeling between tectonic plates!

The time spent with my mom is the most special gift of all of it. We had the most amazing time traveling around and it feels as though it was the trip of a lifetime.

Highlights: Fashion

Even though my fashion blog only sporadically post about fashion, I had such a blast each photo shoot I did. From sweeping gowns in Iceland to changing in the car in Old Town for each new outfit, fashion is one of my greatest passions in life and I’m so blessed to be able to share a small part of that with you.

Here are some of my favorite outfits I wore!

Where to go from here

I am not good at sticking with things or seeing projects through so I am wicked proud of myself that I have done my blog so long - even if I wasn’t as consistent as I’d hoped to be.

So this coming year, I want to continue to work on my blog, do more posts - including a guide to sustainable fashion, and share more styling tips. Although the biggest news will be the launch of my own resale business!

I love resale and do it as my own side hustle but me and my best friend are planning on taking it to the next level. So keep checking back, and check out my Poshmark, for some amazing designer, trendy, and unique finds!


How I Accidentally Got Married


NY Not?